03 March 2025

Find Enrolments

BETA Only applicable to institutions using the BETA release. Note that BETA documentation may be incomplete or contain errors.

Find enrolments in ebs: ontrack Hub by name, date of birth, course title, and so on. You can then view and update enrolments.

Find enrolments as follows:

  1. On ebs: ontrack Hub, go to Concierge and then select Enrolment.
  2. Select or enter the search criteria. For example, enter the person's first name such as Helen.
  3. On the search results page, you can use the filters on the right-hand side to help find the application of interest. For example, to filter for a specific course title such as English Functional Skills.
  4. For the enrolment of interest, you can then View Enrolment.

Search Criteria

Find enrolments using the enrolment information, such as names, dates of birth, course titles and so on. You can use partial search terms to find enrolments. For example, searching for English shows enrolments to a course title of English Functional Key Skills. Search criteria are connected using the AND operator.

The table Enrolment information details the information that can be used to search for an enrolment.

Enrolment information
Information Notes
Course Code Course code such as AA_CZANEW.
Course Occurrence Year the course takes place, such as 25/26.
Course Title Title of the course, such as Health & Social Care.
Person Code Person code such as 5809.
Forename Forename such as Deana.
Surname Surname such as Kane.
Gender Gender of the person, such as Male.
Date of Birth Date of birth such as 16/12/1997.
Age Age of the person, such as 19.
Progress Code Defines the stage of the enrolment, such as INT Interview.
Progress Status Progress status such as Active or Withdrawn.
Progress Date Date on which the progress of the enrolment was last updated.